- President: John Klein
- Secretary: Jamie Coover
- Treasurer: Kathleen (Kathy) Fackler
- Dave Breniser
- Lisa Kasmarik
The Townes’ Board of Directors is elected by the homeowners and consists of three to five volunteers. Directors serve for three-year terms that are staggered to provide continuity. The Board generally meets once a month and conducts an annual meeting with homeowners.
Board members must be homeowners and are subject to the same rules as all other homeowners. Decisions are thoroughly vetted to ensure that the Board acts in the best interest of everyone. Increased interactions and communications have been priorities for the current Board, as well as activities that promote the benefits of condominium life and community spirit. Residents can rest assured that the current Board holds transparency and wise stewardship of all The Townes’ resources to be of upmost importance.
The Board has also established committees composed of residents and others with expertise to assist in making informed decisions and planning activities. Current committees are:
- Buildings—responsible for structural maintenance, repairs, and improvements
- Landscaping—responsible for grounds beautification
- Social Committee—responsible for planning community-wide activities
(i.e. Yard Sales, Dumpster Rentals, Landscaping Contest)
If anyone is interested in joining the Board or a committee, please complete and submit the “Candidacy Declaration” or the “Committee Service” forms located under the Forms Section of the website.
Please note that for purposes of this website, “resident” applies to anyone who lives within the development. “Homeowners” include landlords. “Tenants” are renters.
Mgmt. Co. (D’Angelo Realty)
Phone: 717-774-7791
Email: Please fill out the form under the Service Requests page OR email springbrookfarms@dangelore.com
Mailing address: D’Angelo Realty, 19A N. Railroad St, Suite 204, Mechanicsburg, Pa. 17055